Sunday, February 2, 2020

Commanding (and Doing) the Impossible

In our latest Come Follow Me lesson, we've been learning people who followed God and His directions, accomplishing things that would have otherwise been impossible, and this example wasn't anomalous. We can do anything God commands us to do, even the impossible, mostly because we'll have His help in doing so, and nothing is at all impossible for God. It's like Nephi said "If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them" (1 Nephi 17:50). God commanded Nephi to do something that was completely outside his skill-set, yet he was able to do it because he had the Lord's guidance and help. Similarly, God gives us commandments that may feel impossible, but having His help in accomplishing them will make them possible. No matter what God commands us to do, we can do it, even if it means performing miracles. We can perform even the most incredible miracles, o long as we have God's help. So, if God ever commands you to do something difficult, even impossible, don't despair. God can do anything, and He can help us do anything, too.

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