Monday, February 3, 2020

Objective Moral Truths

I was thinking about objective truths and subjective opinions, and it occurred to me that, while there are wildly different opinions on the subject of morality, there are such things as objective moral truths. God has given us specific commandments, so, while we may debate what we think is moral or immoral, there are right and wrong answers to such a debate. It's not like arguing over whether a movie is good or bad. with regards to whether an action is good or bad, it's not really a matter of opinion. Naturally, there are some gray areas where the morality of an action gets murky, but I think there are still objectively right and wrong answers, which are clear to God, if not to us.

Thankfully, we don't have to guess or debate on the subjects of morality. We can ask God what we should do, tell Him what we plan to do, ask for confirmation, and proceed from there based on the answer we get (or lack thereof). There are objective moral truths, and God knows all of them. If there are any questions about them on our end, we can ask Him and get objectively true answers.

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