Sunday, February 9, 2020

Flawed Heroes

I recently saw an image listing 9 traits that make a hero, and one of those traits was "flawed." According to the image, or rather, whoever made it, traits help make a hero relatable, but there's more to it than that. I like flawed heroes, not because the heroes' flaws help bring me down to earth, but because I get inspired by watching heroes overcome their flaws. Sure, it's exciting to watch heroes blast and bash their way through armies of robots and CGI monsters, but it's far more moving to watch them overcome a personal challenge or weakness because it reminds me that I can do that, too. I know that fictional heroes can do many things that I can't, but overcoming personal flaws is not one of them. They don't make superpowers for that. They can't just invent or forge some special weapon that will make it easier to fight their inner demons. They have to win those fights the same way I have to: through sheer strength of will. That's the kind of strength I most admire in my heroes. We expect heroes to be strong enough to resolve their external conflicts. However, to me, it's far more impressive and inspiring to watch them overcome internal ones.

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