Monday, June 22, 2020

Jesus' Love - Mortality

I think I've gone on about Jesus' premortal life love enough, but before I go into what Jesus did for us during His mortal life, I want to take just a moment to consider how Jesus expressed His love for us by taking on a mortal life in the first place.

Mortality is no picnic, as Jesus had learned by then. He had watched countless generations live, suffer, and die, and He knew that He would suffer the same fate. He knew that He would experience the same sorts of afflictions every mortal being experiences just as part of His mortal life, not even counting the Atonement. He chose to experience the same trials and afflictions we experience, not just because He needed a physical body (as we all do), but because we needed Him. Subjecting Himself to a mortal experience was a small part of the great price Jesus paid for our sake.

And, as we will discuss over the next few days, He spent His mortal life expressing myriad manifestations of love. Jesus did many wonderful and important things for us during His mortal life, but the first of those things was choosing to experience mortality in the first place.

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