Saturday, June 20, 2020

Jesus' Love - Victory

When I blogged about how Jesus showed His love for us by volunteering to be our Savior, I mentioned that Lucifer also volunteered. However, Lucifer didn't stop at just volunteering to be our Savior; he fought for that honor. In what was at least an argument, if not an all out war, Lucifer turned a third part of the hosts of heaven against the rest of the heavenly host and was cast down, with his followers, to Earth. During that fight, Jesus and other valiant spirits stood with us, and we with them, and together, we secured the victory.

Yet, the fight wasn't over yet, and it still isn't. For all of human history, Lucifer (now called Satan or one of any number of terms for him) has been fighting against every human being who has ever lived, doing his darnedest to lead us to destruction. Every day, we have to fight against the adversary and his followers, reenacting, or rather continuing, a conflict that started before the first human being was born.

And, just as before, Jesus and other valiant spirits (both with and without bodies) stand with us, helping us secure victory after victory until the war is finally won. Granted, we won't win all battles, but with Jesus' help, we can win the war. Jesus' love is manifest in how He continues to stand by us, regardless of how many times we falter, and in how He blesses us with the guidance and strength we need to overcome the adversary.

I am eternally grateful for Jesus' help in giving me all the strength and guidance I need to win this war for my soul and others', and I'm especially grateful for the assurance that as long as we stand by Him as He stands by us, we will, together, secure the ultimate victory.

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