Sunday, June 28, 2020

Jesus' Love - Sacrifice

John 15:13 reads "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Jesus did that for us. As the ultimate expression of His love for us, Jesus Christ accomplished the Atonement, in which He suffered tremendous pain, took upon Himself all our pains, afflictions, and sins,  and ultimately died for us. He loved us enough to sacrifice His safety, His well-being, and ultimately His life, for our sake. Granted, His suffering was temporary. His suffering ended with His death roughly three days after it began, and His death ended with His resurrection roughly three days after that. Yet, regardless of how long His suffering lasted, His pain was infinite. He endured all the pain that all mankind would experience over the collective courses of all our lives, and He suffered it all in one night. He exercised an immeasurable amount of dedication, self-sacrifice, and, of course, love. Only a being with infinite love would have willingly gone through something like that. And Jesus Christ did that for us. Jesus' great sacrifice for us proves that He loves all of us more than any of us could comprehend. His love for us is as great as His sacrifice was: infinite.

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