Thursday, June 18, 2020

Jesus' Love - Volunteering

As part of Love Month, I want to blog about the many ways in which Jesus showed His love for us. When I first got this idea, I thought I'd start at the beginning: Jesus' birth. But then I realized that that wasn't actually the beginning of Jesus' life, and Jesus showed His love for us in several ways, even before He was born. So today, I want to start at the very beginning, or at least, the earliest point in time that we know about: the council in heaven.

At this council, God explained His Plan of Salvation, including our need for a Savior, and He asked for a volunteer. Jesus showed His love for us by volunteering to be our Savior. Now, He had never experienced a mortal life before. None of us had. We were all venturing into new and unexplored territory here, and I imagine that may of us were at least a little nervous. It must have been such a relief to know that Jesus, our remarkable Older Brother, had volunteered to venture out into the unknown with us, to guide us and to help us get through it, even if He only scarcely knew what was going to happen Himself. His faith in the Father was unshakable, and our faith in Him must have been a great comfort to us who were about to embark on an exhilarating, if intimidating, journey.

Granted, Jesus wasn't the only volunteer. Lucifer also volunteered to be our Savior. The trouble was that his plan conflicted with God's plan and would have essentially reduced us to puppets while raising Lucifer to a level of glory equal, or nearly equal, to God. Lucifer didn't volunteer to help us because he loved us. He volunteered to control us because he loved himself. He wasn't trying to help us; he was trying to help himself.

Jesus, on the other hand, didn't want to take God's glory. He just wanted to help. He wanted to help God and help us make it through this. This single, selfless act set Him on a path toward performing several other selfless acts, countless even, all motivated by His love for our Heavenly Father and for us. Over the next several days, I plan to explore the various ways in which Jesus showed His love for us, and I thought it would make sense to start with the moment at which He first volunteered to do so.

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