Monday, June 29, 2020

Jesus' Love - Resurrection

Shortly after Jesus Christ died for us, He rose again from the dead. His was the first resurrection, and because of His resurrection, we will all be resurrected as well. Some time after we die, our spirits and our bodies will be reunited, and our bodies won't just be healed up as good as new; they'll be perfect. Our bodies will be immortal, perfect, and fully intact. We won't have any injuries or deformities. We will no longer get sick or tired. We won't have any of the problems our mortal bodies currently have. It'll be great.

And another great thing about resurrection is that it's a free gift from Jesus Christ to everyone who has ever lived. Everyone who has ever had a body, even if only briefly, will get a perfect, fully restored, immortal body, which they can keep forever. That's part of what makes this gift such a great act of love. Jesus is giving everyone such a tremendous gift, just because He loves us, regardless of whether or not we've earned it or deserve it. It's not a payment for services rendered. It's not a reward for good behavior. It's purely a gift of love.

I'm thankful for the gift of resurrection. I know several people who will benefit greatly from receiving a perfect, immortal body. I may be one of them. It's a great gift! But I'm especially grateful that it's a free gift for everyone. Jesus must really love us to offer us all such an amazing gift and not ask for anything in return for it.

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