Saturday, October 16, 2021


When people look up at the sky at night, each person sees something different than what other people see. Some people see constellations and stories. Some people see the final frontier. Some people see an inky darkness filled with dreaded unknowns. Some people see a vast emptiness devoid of anything. Some people see the marvelous workings of astrophysics. And some people see the marvelous workings of God.

The thing is, I'm not sure that any of them are wrong. Space is many different things to many different people. Space is many different things at once. Space can inspire all sorts of feelings. Peace, excitement, awe, anxiety, hope, hopelessness, isolation, and communion. What a person sees in space depends largely on the person looking.

Next time I look up at the night sky, I'm going to try to notice how I feel about it, and I'll try to find out why I feel that way. Looking up at the stars seems like it might be a good way to look into myself.

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