Sunday, February 20, 2022

A Day of Rest

Sundays tend to be pretty busy. There's always at least two hours of regular church, plus choir practice and/or other meetings. Then we have to clean the house and get it company ready so we can have a family dinner together. And, naturally, there's lots of cleanup afterward. By the end of the day on Sundays, I feel really tired, and I need some rest.

But this Sunday wasn't quite as bad as normal. This Sunday, after church and cleaning, but before our guests arrived, I took a nap. I actually managed to slip in an hour or two of rest on this Sabbath Day of Rest. And I hope I can do it again on future Sundays, because it helped me be less tired and cranky later.

Maybe the "day of rest" part is more Prescriptive than Descriptive. It's a day when we should rest, rather than a day that is inherently restful. Maybe resting on the Sabbath Day is more of a commandment than something that just naturally happens.

Every worthwhile endeavor takes effort. Evidently, that includes resting. We should take care to never become too busy to set aside some time to make the Sabbath day a day of rest.

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