Saturday, February 5, 2022

Asymmetrical Assignments

As much as I love symmetrical mechanics in most multi-player games, I'm grateful that there's some asymmetry to real life. People have different talents and abilities, making them better suited for different tasks. And as people take on different tasks and practice them, they can become better suited to doing those tasks and others like them. Not everyone is going to be good at everything, but that's okay, because people don't need to be good at everything. They just need to be good enough at the things they need to do.

For example, there usually only needs to be one cook per household. One person can cook for the whole household about as easily as thy could just cook for themselves, so it's easy enough to make one person the household's designated cook and to similarly divide the other household tasks in whatever way most makes sense for the household. Naturally, situations may arise that will compel some other member of the household to cook, but they don't have to be great at it. They just have to be good enough to keep everybody fed until either they gain enough skill to competently fill the role of cook or the regular cook is back in action. The same goes with other tasks. As long as each job gets done well enough by somebody, it doesn't matter that not everyone is good at a certain thing or that no one person is good at everything. Each task needs doing, but different people can specialize in different tasks.

I like working as a part of a team. I like putting my skills to work for the good of the team, and I'm glad that other people can cover the areas in which I fall short. No one can do everything, but if we all work together, no one will have to. Our work can be as different as we are, but if we all put our unique skills to work, we can get it done together.

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