Thursday, February 24, 2022

Routine Service

I got to help someone today. Actually, I get to help people most days, just not always with tutoring. In fact, now that I think about it, I receive opportunities to help others pretty much daily. I just don't typically get excited about it because it has become routine for me.

Oftentimes, we don't give ourselves enough credit for the good that we regularly do, because it has become routine to us. We've come to expect it of ourselves. We don't count it as "doing good." We count it as "par for the course."

We should change that. We should give ourselves credit for the good we do, even if we only do it out of habit or because we're supposed to. We each do more good than we realize, and we should acknowledge that.

We should treat ourselves fairly, and that includes giving ourselves credit for the good we do on a regular basis.

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