Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ask an Elder 07/02/09

1) What would you / do you like in care packages? or not particularlylike? in letters, too, for that matter
2) When do you anticpate your next transfer?
3) Do you get many dinner appointments? Have you eaten anything new/different?

Question 1:
I'll have to give that some thought. Derek (formerly known as Elder Adams) had his family bring up some Almond Joys, and he left some on our porch, but Elder Taylor and I have eaten most of them by now. I've heard from a former American that Bounty bars are similar to Almond Joys, but I haven't tried them yet. Maybe that could be Ginger Owings gift to me. =) Tell her I said thanks. ^^ Other than that, I'll have to think about what I'd like in letters and packages. I'll get back to you on that.

Question 2:
I'm not sure what the date will be, but it's Six Weeks after the Tuesday before I sent you my first Email from P.A. I don't have a regular calendar so it's not as easy to check exactly what the date will be. I know it'll be in early August, but that's not really specific enough, is it? =P

Question 3:
Yes, the members feed us, but the most interesting new food I've eaten was made by Elder Taylor, including chicken sandwiches with eggs and BBQ sauce in them. They're really good, but unfortunately, we're out of eggs. =/ We'll buy some today. ^^

Thanks for your questions! ^^
Love, your happy missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts. =)

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