Monday, July 27, 2009

Dear Home 2009/07/27

I thought I promised myself that I wouldn't send many individual Emails. They take up too much time! But there's not much to report this time anyway.

First, I would like to say a special thank you to Leila, Brooklynn, Isaac, Jon, and everyone else in the Perkins Ward 5&6 year old primary class for the toughtful card they sent me. ^^ It really made my day. =)

Second, a bit of bad news. It seems that Elder Taylor's grandmother, to whom he was very close, is struggling with her health. Please keep their family in your prayers.

Lastly, some excitement. The summer fair is about to begin, and they decided to set up their circus tents (and horse races and whatever else they'll have) in our backyard. Too noisy for our liking? Probably will be, but there might be some nice pictures in the future. ^^

I think that's about it. If there are any questions I've forgoten to answer please remind me next week.

Your happy and productive missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts.

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