Monday, July 27, 2009

Ask an Elder 2009/07/27

Have you found a golf ball yet?

Which of you is taller? You or Elder Taylor?

What gospel principle seems to most "hook" investigators? I wouldguess that eternal families is big.

Have you used your left-handed scissors lately?

I have found a golf ball, but there are golf balls in every apartment, so I'm not worried. It's not even cold yet! =P Though your knuckles do start to hurt after a while...

I haven't really noticed who's taller, but if I had to guess, I'd say I am.

You know, sadly, I haven't seen any one gospel principal 'hook' somebody. Mostly we just invite people to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it, then explain that their good feelings mean the book is true. Though most people admit that it'd be important to find out whether or not there's a prophet on the earth right now.

I use my lefty scissors all the time! ^^ Our daily planners have tabs that we can cut out, allowing us to instantly flip to th current day, so I cut out the tabs with my lefty. ^^

Thanks for asking me questions.

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