Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Guilt and Shame

In an earlier private note, Elder Robarts shared an insight that his trainer, Elder Kirkland shared with him. I thought it was so profound and helpful that I requested his permission to share it with his faithful readers.

Elder Kirkland also shared with me his insight about Guilt and Shame. Guilt is when you feel bad because you did something wrong, like commiting sin. Shame is when you feel bad for /being/ something wrong, like a sinner, a human, someone who makes mistakes. God gives us Guilt so we'll feel bad enough to repent and try to do better. Satan gives us Shame so we'll get discouraged and give up. But because of Elder Kirkland, I've learned that, like Adam and Eve, I don't have to feel ashamed for being human/naked. Satan may tell me I'm naked, but if there was a problem with that, God wouldn't have made me this way. But what God DID make me is a way for me to not be ashamed. Satan gave Adam and Eve a covering of fig leaves, which will dry up and break. God gave A&E coats of skins, which would cover their nakedness much longer. But something had to die to give up their skins for Adam and Eve. I hope you all see the analogy there.

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