Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 8 2009 Dear Home,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrew Robarts <>
Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 10:44 AM

Isn't it a shame that, no matter how hard you try, it seems like you
ALWAYS foget something important? Last week, P-Day was on Thursday,
which meant that many of my loyal readers checked my blog on Wednesday
morning and saw nothing. They checked in the afternoon, and saw
nothing. They checked late in the evening, and still saw nothing. The
next day, an Email came, but no explaination was given as to why my
Email was a day late.

The explaination is this: Happy Canada Day. Since many of the stores
and libraries were closed last week, President Paulson, who arived
durring the exchange I told you about, decided that P-day would serve
us better if we had it on Thursday, rather than the nation's holiday.

In other news, I would like to thank all of those who have written me
letters. I will try to write replies today, but given the busy-ness of
P-Days, I probably won't be able to answer them all.

Also, it may interest some of you to know that my blister healed
completely the day after I told you about it. Did you pray for that?
If so, my testimony of prayers has grown considerably.

Brother Porter was sucessfully baptised and confirmed last weekend, so
we took pictures, and today we're printing them, as well as some other
pictures I've been meaning to send you. I probably didn't order enough
pictures from the one-hour printing place, but I still have the
digital copy, so I'll send you what I've ordered, and we'll see if
more come later.

Almost out of time. Is there anything else? -checks my notes- RIGHT!

I started to write a letter home last week, but hoping to give you
more than just an 'I'm still fine. I still love my mission.' etc., I
decided to write you some insights from my daily studies, but being as
picky as I am about my writing (I'm still taking time to corect the
typos I notice, which I should, and have stopped doing), I only got
the introductory page down in writing before the PDay period was over.
But don't worry. A letter/talk will come (eventually).

In closing, I love you all, I hope I didn't forget anything, and I'm
looking forward to hearing from many of you next week. -hugs everyone-
-hugs Mom again-

Your Ever-Forgetful Missionary, Elder Andrew Robarts

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