Thursday, April 24, 2014

Born to be Awesome

There's more that I want to blog about from Elder Hale's talk, but this comes first.

This morning, I was checking out Facebook, looking for cute pictures, cool news stories, and inspirational sayings, like I normally am this time of day. I usually don't find anything blogworthy, or even shareworthy, but this morning, I found this.

What, you don't think this is blogworthy? Well, you're right - it's not up to my usual standard, but when I saw this, it just really deeply affected me for some reason. I think I'm supposed to share it.

God has a purpose for each of our lives. He's had that purpose lined up for us since before we were born. He knew what our talents were or would be, and He made sure we'd have the opportunities we'd need to excel at whatever He intended for us to do. When we take advantage of those opportunities and follow God's purpose for our lives, the results are awesome.

But sometimes we don't do that. Sometimes we don't see the opportunities when they come. Sometimes we get distracted or decide to do something else instead. Sometimes we forget that we were born to be awesome. And sometimes, we're not.

Thankfully, God believes in second chances and He is the master champion of taking lemons and making lemonade. Sometimes, I think of my life as being nowhere near wherever God originally wanted it to be (not that I have any idea where that might have been. I just know that I'm nowhere close to it). And sometimes, I think that there's no point in trying to follow God to wherever it is He wanted to take me because I just can't get there from where I am. But, even assuming there's anything God can't do, even assuming God can't make what I was born to be out of what I am now, He can still make something good out of me, if I choose to follow Him.

Deep down, I think (or at least hope) that it's never too late to make great progress. It's not too late for me to be awesome. God still has a plan for me. It's a Plan B, since I didn't really follow Plan A very well, but it's still one of God's plans, so I can trust that it'll work out for good results. God knows this wasn't how my life was supposed to go originally, but I still have something inside me that God can use, and He still has a plan to turn me into something awesome.

This time, I'm going to try to follow that plan. With His help (and I will need a lot of His help) I can still become awesome.

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