Monday, April 21, 2014

Faith for the Faithful

There are two messages I'd like to pull from Elder Russell M. Nelson's Saturday Afternoon Session talk, Let Your Faith Show. One of them is on the same topic as the talk itself, letting your faith show. For that one, I don't think I yet have all the material I'd like to have in addressing that topic. I'll have to rewatch more Conference talks first, and also work on my own personal thoughts a little. The other message I wanted to share is derived from the following paragraph from Elder Nelson's talk:

We might each ask ourselves, where is our faith? Is it in a team? Is it in a brand? Is it in a celebrity? Even the best teams can fail. Celebrities can fade. There is only One in whom your faith is always safe, and that is in the Lord Jesus Christ.

As I heard Elder Nelson say this in conference, I immediately thought that the best team is the one that God is on, the one that's currently in a spiritual battle against Satan and his team. God's team, the best team, will not fail. I also thought that the greatest celebrity ever (though this may stretch the definition of celebrity) is Jesus Christ. No other person who ever lived is known, respected, followed, and even idolized by as many people as Jesus Christ is. If Jesus can be called a celebrity, He is the greatest celebrity that ever lived, and you can be sure that His glory won't ever fade.

I think that it's important to remember that there are only a handful of people and things we can really put our faith on. Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, are immortal and perfect, and we can count on them. Most other people we know, however skilled or well-meaning thy might be, are mortal and imperfect, and will occasionally let us down. The doctrine of Jesus Christ is pure and true. We can rely on His teachings as a source of true knowledge and wisdom. Other sources of knowledge, wisdom, advice and ideas (including this blog) are flawed, and not always worth your belief. They're certainly not worth your unshaken faith, as God's commandments and prophesies are.

Many different people put their faith in different things. Some people turn to money for peace, recreation for happiness, and science for answers, and while those things can, or at least seem to, offer those things sometimes, they all occasionally fail, whereas faith in Jesus Christ provides such a source of those things as will not fail. The peace, happiness, and answers He offers us might be delayed, but they will come, and at least He won't distract us with false peace, false happiness, and wrong answers, as the others will. God is faithful. Therefore, He is deserving of our faith.

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