Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Commercial Inspiration - Dove's Beauty Patch

Is this becoming a thing now? Inspiring, uplifting, eye-opening commercials? Commercials that change the way we look at the world? Is that how people are advertising their products now? Because if it is, I like it. And I think you'll like it, too.

I'm not sure if I need a beauty patch. A handsome patch, maybe, but I'm not sure I'm in Dove's target demographic. Maybe I could go to the drug store (or dollar store) and pick up some "awesome" patches. I could probably use a few of those.

Then again, maybe not. As this commercial demonstrates, those women didn't need any biochemical patch to help them feel beautiful. The magic that made them feel beautiful wasn't in the patches - it was in themselves. And what will make me feel awesome isn't in any superhero sticker - it's in me. It's all in our attitude and the way we look at ourselves. I think that's pretty cool.

And now I'm thinking that Dove is pretty cool, too.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Beautiful. Made me cry.
Dove is pretty cool to do this commercial. And you are pretty cool to find and share it.