Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Good Reason to Make Blogging a Priority

Thinking about my decision to blog twice today and how it was inspired by my failure to blog yesterday because I was distracted, I had mixed emotions when I saw this photo on Facebook:

That was a burn. While I'm not sure that blogging daily is one of "the things that matter most" to me, I do count it among my sacred duties. I asked God years ago what He wanted me to do, and I believe that He told me to blog. Since that moment, I've blogged almost daily, as I told Him I would. Now, I haven't asked Him recently how important He thinks my blog is, but even if the blog isn't important to Him anymore, it's still important to me.

I think it helps me. It forces me to look for spiritual insights to share. It gives me opportunities to share my testimony. It gives me a reason to try to draw closer to the spirit. I fear that, if it wasn't for my blog helping me maintain my spirituality, it would gradually diminish. One of my better traits is my ability to see spiritual insights in everyday things. I think I would lose that if I stopped blogging.

Blogging is one of the things that matter to me, and I want to keep doing it daily as much as I can. Yesterday, I guess I didn't consider it a priority. Maybe I forgot why I do it. It's not something I have to do because God told me to do it. It's something I have to do because I really need, and really enjoy, the blessings that come from it. I blog daily because blogging daily improves my life. Perhaps now that I've been reminded of that, it'll motivate me to make blogging a priority again, and I'll go back to blogging first thing in the morning rather than last thing at night, or not at all.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

We easily get distracted and pushed/pulled by many forces, some friendly and important and some quite not. We must sit down with ourselves often to prayerfully review/re-establish our priorities. As our lives and the demands on us change, we sometimes have to shift what we do or when we do it. Sometimes it means getting up earlier or giving up something. Thank you for reminding me to consider my priorities and goals. I tend to get caught up in the busyness of life. There is always more to do than time / energy to do it. But if I am not going to get everything done, all the more reason and need to stop to consider what are the most important things to get done and what will matter less if they don't.