Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Early to Bed...

There's one piece of advice that, while generally accepted as good advice, is also broadly detested and seldom followed. This article talks about it in detail, lists specific blessings for following, and gives scriptural examples of those who have. According to popular verse, the advice is "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

I must admit that I don't follow this advice often. I am frequently guilty of staying up too late, and as a result, I tend not to be very well rested when I wake up in the morning. Thankfully, I'm blogging now, so I won't have to stay up late blogging. I'm also planning on shutting the computer down when it's time for family prayer this evening and not turning it back on afterward, so I won't have the internet to distract me. Plus, my family and I have been doing a lot of work today, so we should be good and tired when it's time to go to bed.

I'm going to try to follow this time-tested and prophetically-endorsed advice this coming week. Hopefully, it'll help me improve my ability to receive inspiration, and thus help me gain more blogworthy insights so I can blog about them rather than reblogging ideas posted online by others. I know it's not guaranteed too greatly improve my blog posts, especially not quickly, but according to various prophets and apostles, it'll probably improve my life.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Sorry! The rearranging is more complex and hitting more minor snga than I anticipated. None of us are managing early to bed. Hopefully one day soon.