Saturday, October 3, 2015

Better Advice for How to Be Happier

When Eva asked her Great Aunt Rose for the secret of her happiness, she first responded by advising Eva to look for the good. Toward the end of this teaching opportunity, Aunt Rose told Eva another secret:
“It is love—the pure love of Christ,” Rose said. “You see, everything else in the gospel—all the shoulds and the musts and the thou shalts —lead to love. When we love God, we want to serve Him. We want to be like Him. When we love our neighbors, we stop thinking so much about our own problems and help others to solve theirs.”
“And that is what makes us happy?” Eva asked.
Great-Aunt Rose nodded and smiled, her eyes filling with tears. “Yes, my dear. That is what makes us happy.”
 Loving and serving God and others will help us have the spirit with us in our lives, which will give us feelings of joy and make us happy. While we may find some happiness when we seek happiness for ourselves, we will gain even more happiness when we seek the happiness of others. That was how Eva's Aunt Rose gained enough happiness to prompt Eva to ask about it, and it's how we can gain more happiness than we can imagine. We all want to be happy, but it's by putting other's happiness before our own that we can gain the most happiness for ourselves.

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