Saturday, October 17, 2015

Homemade Happiness

I shared this on Facebook the other day, but I thought I'd share it here, too.

Cute, huh?

It's sad to think of how people go to great lengths to find happiness. Some people seem to think they can buy it at a store or earn it by achieving their goals. But happiness isn't an object you can acquire; it's an emotion. You can "get" happiness by doing good and by developing an attitude of optimism. You can get it by looking for the good things in the world and by counting your blessings. You also "get" happiness by making other people happy.

Happiness is not a substance that you need to look for or trade for. There isn't a finite amount of happiness for people to fight over. It's more like a force, or energy. Happiness can be created. In fact, it's far easier to create your own happiness than it is to gain happiness by buying it or working for it.

Happiness isn't as mysterious or elusive as it sometimes seems to be. Creating your own happiness is as easy as doing things that Jesus Christ would do. Happiness isn't something you have to find somewhere. You can create it yourself.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Interestingly, the more you try to help others find happiness,usually the more happiness you feel.