Tuesday, March 31, 2020

An Heroic Example

For the past three months, I've been taking advantage of a free trial of Disney+. With it, I've watched the first seasons of The Mandalorian and Gargoyles. I've seen Monsters University, Frozen 2, and Toy Story 4. I've rewatched an old new favorite of mine, about which I've blogged over a dozen times, as well as several action-packed blockbusters, from Avatar to Star Wars. Yet, the movies I've loved the most have been the Marvel movies, especially those that focus on Captain America.

I like the Captain America movies, not just for the exciting actions scenes, but for the morality of the main character. I like watching Steve Rogers fight for a good cause because it helps encourage me to do the same. Sometimes, I'm called upon to do the right thing, and I don't want to do it. I sometimes get frustrated or bitter. I might grumble, or otherwise lose my temper. Yet, when I think about Captain America and his relentlessly upright example, I don't mind doing my part, doing my duty, and doing what's right.

Of course, there are better role models out there, including exactly one Perfect Example, but I find Captain America more easier to relate to in the same way that I relate to Paladins. It's hard to measure oneself against a perfect example. It's far easier to relate to an entirely human, but still very good, example.

Becoming like Jesus Christ is still my ultimate goal, and it always will be. But on my way to becoming exactly like Jesus Christ, I hope to become a bit more like Captain Steve Rogers.

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