Friday, March 20, 2020

Counting Blessings Amid a Pandemic

So, this whole Coronavirus situation kind of stinks, right? A lot of people are getting sick. Some people are dying. And it's just super inconvenient for everybody, what with having to get into a mile-long line at the crack of dawn if you want a chance of being able to buy toilet paper. But you know what? We're actually pretty lucky.

We have a lot of advantages our ancestors didn't have. We, most of us, have comfortable, secure, sanitary shelters to bunker down in. We who can read this have access to the Internet, the instant-speed, global communication network that can keep the whole world in touch and entertained. And we as a species have some of the, if not the, best medical scientists in the history of the world working on treatment, prevention, and a cure. We're doing alright.

Sure, we're going through a rough patch, and no one can say exactly how long that rough patch will last or how bad it's going to get, but when we consider our blessings along with our afflictions, we're actually still doing okay. It shouldn't take a plague to make us realize how richly blessed we are, and it should take more than a plague to make us forget it. Plague or no plague, we're a lot more blessed than our ancestors have been. Heck, we're a lot more blessed than many of our brothers and sisters are now. Let's try to remember our blessings and to keep our trials in perspective. Of course, I'm not the greatest at this, but we should all work on it. It's important to count our blessings, especially in times of trials like this.

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