Friday, March 27, 2020

Justice in a Lawless Land

There's a game, I forgot its title, where the player plays as a judge living in a country that has just experienced a revolution. The old ruler has been overthrown, and the new rules have yet to be established. The player's job is to lay down the law at a time and place where there is no law. The player must judge, by their own moral code, what is right, what is wrong, who should be punished, and how severely.

Personally, I hope I never find myself in such a situation. I try not to judge others in general, but when I have to, I would rather fall back on established laws. Who am I to judge others? How do I balance justice and mercy? How well do I know and trust my own moral code? How easily would my mind be swayed by those with different opinions than mine? If I had to judge another person, with no laws to judge them by, how well would I do?

Fortunately, I don't think I'll ever end up in that situation. Even if I do become a judge of some kind, God has established several clear, moral rules for us to follow and for us to use to measure the morality of our own actions and, potentially, others, when such judgments are necessary. Even if I ever have to judge someone, I will never have to judge them based solely on my own moral compass. In the absence of any other laws, I can use God's. I will never have to mete out justice in a lawless land, because, thanks to God's laws, there is no such place.

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