Tuesday, January 18, 2022

10,000 Reviews Can Be Wrong

This afternoon, I saw a commercial that said that 10,000 reviews can't be wrong, then went on share some of the positive reviews they had gotten and why we should use their product or service, whatever it was. But while the rest of the commercial was playing, what I was thinking about was how fallible humans can be and how any number of humans can be wrong about any number of things. No one is perfect, and that includes not having perfect perception. We can see and hear things wrong and incorrectly interpret what we think we've seen and heard. For instance, there are 1.9 Billion Muslims in the world, according to a quick Google search, and 1.34 Billion Catholics. If the Muslims have the correct religion, then 1.34 Billion Catholics are wrong in their deeply held religious beliefs, and if the Catholics are right, that means that 1.9 Billion Muslims are wrong, and I have it on good authority that they're both wrong. At least 3.24 Billion people believe that their religion is the correct one and are wrong. In fact, no matter which religion is true, the vast majority of Earth's population is wrong about religion.

This is concerning to me. Naturally, I have faith in my religious beliefs, but statistically, it's highly probably that I, by random chance, have fallen into the vast majority of the population who believe that they're right, but are wrong. Fortunately, I can fall back on core principles that are held in common across many religions. There is a God out there (perhaps more than one), and He (or She or whatever) hears and answers our prayers. I can also, with some certainty, believe that God wants us to be good, or at least, it is good to be good. Most basic moral principles apply across most beliefs and cultures, and many people believe that, as long as we are basically good and try to be about as good as we know how to be, then we can trust God (or the Gods) to take care of the rest.

And if we're all wrong about that, which I suppose is possible, it's probably still good to believe it anyway. Society is better off believing that it's worthwhile to be good than believing that morality doesn't matter.

I believe in God, and while that belief has been shaken somewhat, I plan to hold on to that belief and to try to be about as good as I know how to be. If God is also Good, that'll probably count for something. And if I'm wrong, oh well. At least some people's lives will have been improved by my belief (wrong or not) that God wants me to be Good.

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