Saturday, January 15, 2022

Old Habits

Old habits, apparently, die hard. Here I am, half an hour before midnight, blogging at the last minute, again. Fortunately, I know how to get myself out of this situation. After I write a quick blog post about blogging (this one), I'll brush my teeth, go to bed, and try to make sure I blog earlier tomorrow. That's all I really can do. It may be that the only way to overcome old habits, like blogging near midnight, is to overwrite them with new habits, like blogging in the middle of the day, and forming new habits takes time, diligence, and fighting through the occasional relapse. Today may not have been a good day for me, but tomorrow will be better, and so long as I keep trying to improve, I'm sure I will.

Old habits don't die quickly or easily. They die as knew habits are formed to replace them, but only when the new habits are maintained long enough to become "old habits." Until then, I guess I'll just have to keep working on it.

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