Sunday, January 16, 2022

Imbued with Meaning

I've recently gained a greater interest in a song titled A Little Heart, written by a YouTuber who writes and performs songs based on video games. Since this song was written to commemorate the release of Kingdom Hearts 3, the song was full of references to Disney songs, so the lyrics themselves don't necessarily make a whole lot of sense. However, the relative lack of meaning in the lyrics allowed me to interpret the lyrics fairly liberally and imbue them with my own meaning. As such, this song has become surprisingly meaningful for me, mostly because I chose what meaning it has.

The same can be true of some parables. While many parables have clearly explained interpretations, others aren't as clearly explained, allowing us to interpret these parables however we'd like, in whatever way is most meaningful to us. With no objective meaning, we can imbue the parables with whatever meaning the Spirit impresses on our minds. This way, many of the parables can mean whatever we need them to mean, just like how A Little Heart now has special meaning for me.

So, when we read parables, especially parables with no clear interpretation, we should try to keep our hearts open to whatever impressions He sends our way. These stories are flexible. Many of them can be imbued with whatever meanings are especially meaningful to and needed by us.

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