Saturday, March 19, 2022

All That God Really Asks of Us

Here's a quote attributed to Arthur Ashe: "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."

That is, I sincerely hope, all that God really asks of us. He doesn't require us to act on knowledge any better than the knowledge we have. He doesn't demand that we perform better than we are capable of performing. All He asks of us is that we start where we are, wherever we are, use our knowledge to figure out the best way forward as well as we can, and then do our best to make progress in that direction. God is forgiving of mortal shortcomings. At least, I certainly hope He is.

I'm lost in the fog He dropped me in, and I'm tripping over the feet He gave me. I'm doing my best to be a good person, whatever the heck that actually means. I hope He can be patient with me, and I hope I can be patient with Him, because we're in this together, and neither of us can get me through this without the other's help.

I don't know whether I'm gradually finding my way or whether I'm slowly becoming more lost, but either way, I'm doing the best I can out here, and I pray that that's good enough.

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