Monday, March 14, 2022

Each Moment Once

This blog post is late because I spent all evening playing a board game with my family. Though, in hindsight, perhaps I should have done my evening chores (including blogging) first. The dirty dishes are just going to have to wait for me to load and run the dishwasher tomorrow.

It's an unfortunate fact of reality that each moment can only be spent once. Every moment I spend with my family in the front room is a moment that I'm not spending with the dishes in the kitchen. Every moment I spend blogging is a moment I'm not spending helping my sister. Every moment I spend trying to think of more examples for this point I'm trying to make is a moment I'm not spending finally going to bed. And all that is also true in reverse. Every moment I spend doing anything is a moment I'm not spending doing anything else. We can only spend each moment once.

So, we would do well to be mindful of how we spend our moments. We should try to make sure that the things we make time for are the most needful things. Spending time with the family is important, but the dishes still need to be done (tomorrow). I need sleep and rest to regain the energy I'll need for tomorrow, but I also need to blog first. Life is full of trade-offs, and that truth is especially apparent in the case of time. At this exact moment, I'm trading time I could spend sleeping in exchange for trying to write a decent conclusion to this blog post instead. At the moment, that sounds like a good trade, but tomorrow morning, I may wish I had chosen differently.

Of course, this isn't so big of an issue to be worth spending time worrying about it. It's alright. I use my time well enough, and I'm generally satisfied with how I spend my time. But right now, I think it'd be wise to spend some time sleeping, so I'll hopefully have the energy to spend my time well tomorrow.

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