Monday, March 14, 2022

The Next Step

Latter-Day Saint author Brandon Sanderson once wrote one of his characters saying something profound about the most important step a person can make: "The most important step a man can take. It's not the first one, is it? It's the next one. Always the next step, Dalinar." Unfortunately, I don't know who Dalinar is or any of the rest of the context for this quote, but I still agree with this sentiment. The first step is fairly important, especially when it's upcoming, but it's not a good idea to contemplate the first step so much that one never takes it. Additionally, all previous steps may be helpful in determining how one got where they are, but it's not helpful to dwell too much on what steps one has taken and what steps they wish they had taken instead. It's always best to move forward from wherever one is, and that involves looking to the future. Steps in the far future can wisely be anticipated, but our paths can twist in ways we don't expect, and the time to focus on those steps will come later, if they come at all. Instead, the most urgent, important, and pressing step one can take is the next one.

We should look back to see what lessons we can learn from the past, and we should look forward to keep an eye on where we're going, but the most important step to focus on is the next one, the one you can take right now to help you down a path that leads from where you are now (wherever that is) to wherever you want to be (wherever that is). Your path is yours to choose, but wherever you are now and wherever you want to be, the most important thing you can do is always to take the next step in the right direction.

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