Friday, March 11, 2022

Don't Let It Control You

During one of my conversations today, one of the topics that came up was the importance of having self control, especially in the face of circumstances outside of our control. As I recall, I said something like "If you can't control it, don't let it control you."

I had an opportunity to practice that principle this evening, when a circumstance not entirely within my control threatened to jeopardize my control over my emotions. Thankfully, I'm happy to say that I mostly maintained my composure, despite how tempting it was to lose it. Now I am exercising what control I have, including self control, to improve the situation as well as I can.

There will be times when situations try to get the better of us, but we need to learn to not let our circumstances control us, especially when we have limited control over them. It has been said that the only real control we have is self control, and if that's true, that makes it especially important not to lose it.

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