Thursday, May 29, 2014

Chatting With God

Most days, I already know, or can quickly find, something I want to blog about. Today is not one of those days. But I've been thinking that I should pray more... conversationally. Often, when I pray, it's really just a formality. I pray, but I don't really talk to God. I'd like to change that - to once again develop a relationship with God, and by relationship, I mean friendship. And why not? It's true that God is so high above us that He deserves our respect, but I highly doubt that He's so proud that He's not willing to shoot the breeze with us. He chats with me sometimes, when I let Him, and it's during those times that I feel I develop a greater closeness with Him. I don't know if it's doctrinally acceptable or socially appropriate, but I think I'm going to try to talk with God more often, but casually and respectfully. If/when He feels that there's a problem with that, I'm pretty sure He'll tell me. Heck, maybe I'll go ask right now. I get the feeling that any kind of prayer is better than no prayer at all. If, for any reason, you don't feel fully comfortable addressing the Creator and Lord of the universe, you can always just look up toward the heavens and start a conversation with a Friend. Either way, I'm sure He just wants to talk with you.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

I think you are right. This is something I need to work on. God is great, greater than we can imagine, but He is also our loving Father. One of my favorite heroes is Tevya in "Fiddler on the Roof". Tevya had his formal prayers but he also talked to God in a personal, real way. I think that we should be more like that.