Friday, May 2, 2014

Thanks For Telling Me What You're Thinking

First, a quick update. Thank you for your positive thoughts and opinions. I plan on going ahead and making that other blog, but I won't be doing it just yet. I have more than three full sessions of General Conference talks to blog about, and I'm sure I'll gain other blog-worthy insights along the way. I have a list of potential posts for the other blog, when I make it, but they can wait a few days (most of them already have). Plus, I didn't want to leave you with the impression that I would be cutting loose from this blog immediately and permanently. I have more work to do here first.

Now for the official blog post. There's not much to blog about from Elder W. Craig Zwick's talk, What Are You Thinking? (at least, not that I picked up on), except that we should try to consider other people's thoughts and perspectives before we get into arguments with them. I did that when I asked for your opinion on my thought about creating a second blog, and I'm glad your response was positive. If it hadn't been, I would have had to consider that, and taken the matter to the Lord. Actually, I should probably do that anyway.

I suppose, if the Lord encourages me to make a separate blog, your opinion, or even mine, wouldn't really matter very much, but if your response to the idea had been a negative one, I would have tried to spend as many days as possible blogging here rather than on the other blog. It might have been only a slight difference, but I think there would have been a difference in how I thought about where I'd be blogging on any given day. And I'd probably only blog on the second blog when I had something that truly had to be shared and could only have been shared there. Now, if I think a particular blog idea would be better put in a more specific context, I'll probably share it there, even if it might have worked on this blog instead. It all depends on the specific blog post idea, and where I think that blog post would be more effective. My goal is to do good in the world, and if a particular thought would do more good on one blog than on the other, that's where it'll go.

Granted, this blog still has a lot going for it in terms of how much good it can do. There many be certain topics that I wouldn't go into in as great detail here as I would on the other blog, but the other blog won't be shared on my or my mother's Facebook pages. This blog has already gotten a fair amount of publicity and a few followers. In essence, it reaches more people than the other blog will reach, and with it taking all the general blog posts, it's more likely to do good for more people, whereas the other blog would mostly only be helpful to people in a certain niche.

I need to be careful about how much I say about the other blog. I don't want to give too much away.

Anyhow, I'm glad I asked for your opinion, and I'm especially glad that you (at least, those who commented) are okay with me doing what I think I ought to do. It's going to be weird not blogging here every day anymore. Plus, I'll need to think of a layout and color scheme for the new blog. I like this one, but I don't want them to be too similar. I want them to be different blogs, you know? Anyhow, I'll work on it later. I have other productive things to get done today. Thanks for reading my blog and for giving me your opinions. I'll talk to you all later.

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