Friday, May 30, 2014

What Is Your Calling?

I just took a What is Your Calling internet personality quiz. Fist of all, I just want to point out how pointless it is to ask the internet what your purpose in life is. The internet doesn't know who you really are, and it can't find out just by asking you 10 multiple choice questions. It can't guess you calling in life, so why even let it try? There's one person who knows, without any question, what your calling is, and if you ask Him, He'll probably be willing to tell you.

Having said that, the result I got from the personality quiz says:
Your calling is: Saint
You are a spiritual person. You find the true meaning of your life to be in your faith and connection with God. You're going to be reaching some new and challenging spiritual heights, but you will be succeeding to reach your calling! Keep it up!
Some might say that that's semi-accurate. Some might say it was a lucky guess, while others may say that the internet is way off and that my real calling lies elsewhere. I believe that only one person and those whom He has told know for sure. If I had to take a guess right now, I'd say that the internet quiz came pretty close. I'm sure that God wants me to do something spiritual with my life, and come to think of it, blogging is probably a part of it. He wants me to make spiritual progress and then help others to progress as well. Then again, it could be that He wants that for everyone. Perhaps I'll reread my Patriarchal Blessing. Those tend to give some insight as to what one's calling is.

And of course, in our church, the term "calling" means something different than what it means in the personality quiz. In our church, "calling" means something like "church job," which, in my case, is that I'm a leader of the 11-Year-Old Scouts. That's probably not my life calling, but I'm reasonably certain that it's what God wants me to do right now.

As for my life calling, I'm less certain, but I'm sure that as I strive to keep the commandments and follow the Spirit, God will direct me to do what He wants me to do and fulfill whatever purpose He wants me to fulfill. In a sense, we don't need to know what our callings are, and we certainly don't need a personality quiz to tell us, just as long as God knows what our callings are, and we're willing to follow His directions.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Yes! Your calling is to be a Saint. All of us are called. You strive to respond. Hooray!
You are right, it is not your only calling. You have your church calling and a calling as a member of the family. You also need to work on discovering your temporal, earn a living calling because in this mortal life we must earn our bread by the sweat of our brow.
Thanks for this post. good thoughts!