Thursday, December 28, 2017

A Gift Taken for Granted

One thing that I've learned from this ongoing illness is that one should not take one's blessings for granted. I am normally a physically-fit and able-bodied young man. I'm used to being able to get up and do things with little effort or discomfort. I'm used to shaking off illnesses quickly, when I get sick at all. But for the last two days, I haven't been able to do things as easily as I normally do. This may be God's way of reminding me that this body is neither perfect nor permanent. I may (normally) be strong and capable now, but that can change just as easily as sustaining a crippling injury or becoming subject to an illness from which I never recover.

I expect to recover from this illness within a few days, though I had previously hoped to overcome it in a few hours or a day at the most, but still, I don't think that this illness is permanent. This is just a reminder that my good health isn't permanent either. So I should be thankful for what I have for as long as it lasts and be willing to give back to God those things which God gave me, including my health and fitness. Once I'm resurrected, my healthy body will be mine for keeps, but until then, I should be thankful that God is letting me borrow a body at all, especially when, even at this point of weakness, I'm am still much more physically blessed than many others. Even as I am now, my relatively good health is a blessing from God, and like all of God's blessings, it should be used to serve others, can be easily rescinded, and certainly shouldn't be taken for granted.

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