Saturday, December 23, 2017

Waiting to be Asked

Today, and most other days, I failed in a way that my sister-in-law easily succeeded yesterday. Today, I passed up opportunities to help others. In some cases, I didn't notice the opportunities. In others, I saw the opportunities, but didn't want to volunteer, so I waited to be asked. My sister-in-law didn't wait to be asked for help. As far as I could tell, she sort of just jumped in, just like my sister did with helping me with my home-made gift. I could stand to learn a lot from those two women. While it's courteous to ask if one's help is wanted, it is also very generous to step in and offer assistance without having to be asked. I have a small and probably undeserved reputation for helping people, but that's mainly because people have asked me for help and I have had a hard time saying no. I should learn to offer my help voluntarily instead of waiting for my friends and family to ask for it.

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