Saturday, July 14, 2018

Desires and Choices

One of the most important questions we will ever have to answer is "What do you want?" Our desires play an essential and decisive role in our eternal progression. Ultimately, our desires determine who we are and who we will become. God lets us choose which path we follow, and our choices reflect our desires. If we really want to follow God, we will, even when it's difficult to do so, but if we don't want it badly enough, if there are other things we want more than that, then we will end up making other choices and following other paths instead.

It is important for us to examine and evaluate our desires and, when necessary, to seek out ways to change our desires, because if Eternal Life isn't the one thing we want more than anything else, we probably aren't going to get it. I think that God ultimately lets us have whatever we desire most, because if we really want something, we're likely to follow the path that leads to that thing instead of any other path. This is a good thing, if what we want is exaltation. But if there's anything we want more than exaltation, if there's any other path we'd rather choose, it can become very difficult to make the right decisions. Our choices are shaped by our desires, so we should cultivate our desires to choose the right.

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