Thursday, July 5, 2018

Unnoticeably Slow Progress

A few days ago, I said that I should make myself a visible reminder to "blog before noon." However, I didn't do that right away, and the thought soon slipped my mind. As a result, today's blog post is about ten hours late, simply because I failed to take my own advice. I had hoped that this blog would help me become a better person, and maybe it is, gradually, but the progress comes so slowly that it's practically imperceptible, and it's interspersed with so many setbacks that I wonder if I'm making any progress at all. It can be hard for a mortal being to measure the kind of progress that usually takes place over an eternity, but still, I should try to make enough progress that I can notice that progress is being made. And that starts with holding myself accountable. I have now written that note and attached it to my computer. Now let's see if I can heed that reminder long enough to make a notable difference in my blogging habits.

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