Monday, July 2, 2018

Forgotten Promises and the Need for Visible Reminders

Goals are harder to meet when you keep forgetting you set them. This blog post was almost late, and is going to be rushed, mostly because I forgot that I had moved the deadline. Perhaps I ought to put reminders of my goals somewhere where they'll be visible, so I won't keep forgetting what I had set out to do. Even just a sticky note with the words "Blog Before Noon" would probably do the trick. Maybe that's part of the reason we wear CTR rings and sacred garments and why we take the Sacrament each and hang pictures of Jesus Christ and temples in our houses. We need frequent, visible reminders of the covenants and promises we have made or we might break those covenants and promises by accident, just because they slipped our minds and we didn't remember them until it was too late. I got lucky this time, remembering the new deadline in time to type out a quick paragraph, but I should make a physical reminder of the new deadline to make sure I don't nearly mistakingly miss it again.

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