Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Don't Let "Off" Moments Last

When I blogged about "Off" Moments recently, I neglected to mention that it's important to repent of them and to not allow them to last. We are all human, and so we all have bad days in which we make bad choices. However, it is important to learn from our bad choices and to learn to make better ones. We're not perfect yet, and we shouldn't burn ourselves out trying to be perfect, but we can and should be good, and we should regularly (as often as we can manage without burning ourselves out) strive to become better.

We are going to make bad choices, and as long as we are imperfect, we are going to keep making bad choices. Our goal should be to make our choices less bad and to make our bad choices less frequently. That's how progress is made; not by insisting on perfection, but in making gradual improvements.

We cannot demand perfection from ourselves or others yet, but we should keep heading in that direction. You're allowed to have "Off" Moments. Just try not to stay in them any longer than you have to.

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