Thursday, November 14, 2019

Seeking Power Isn't Evil

A lot of people and organizations catch flak for seeking power. This came up in a conversation I was in recently, and I wanted to say something about it, but I missed my opportunity, so I'll say it here: Power isn't evil, and it isn't evil to seek it.

At its default, power is neutral. Power is a tool that enables people to do things. If people seek power, that's because they want to do more and/or bigger things. Now, some people want to do bad things, and if they get enough power to do the bad things they want to do, they will do bad things, and that would, in fact, be bad. However, other people want to do good things, and if they get enough power to do the good things they want to do, they will do good things with that power, and that will actually be good. Power is neither good nor bad on its own. What matters is who has power and how they use it.

True, evil people seek the power to do evil, but it's also true that good people seek the power to do good. What makes someone good or evil is not whether they seek power, but why.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

Power is not necessarily evil, nor is it evil to seek power to do good. However, there is danger in power. Power can bring temptation and corruption. One must be careful that one does use one's power only for good and that one does not seek in wrong ways power to do the good one intends.