Friday, July 10, 2020

Continue in Prayer and Supplication

According to Alma 31:10, one of the "performances of the church" is "to continue in prayer and supplication to God daily, that [we] might not enter into temptation." This makes perfect sense to me. Since the adversary never gives up on trying to tempt people, we need to never stop doing the "performances" that help us maintain and strengthen our spiritual defenses. What strikes me most about this concept is that it holds true no matter how well or poorly we normally do at resisting temptation. No matter how many battles we've won or lost, no matter how much or how little will-power we currently have, we must always "continue in prayer and supplication." Otherwise, we will start to lose. If we don't maintain our spiritual defenses, they will weaken over time, and that's true no matter how strong they are now. Our defenses may be strong now, but they'll only stay strong if we maintain them and strengthen them daily.

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