Saturday, July 11, 2020


It sometimes strikes me as odd how common it is for fictional characters in various magical settings to seek immortality. I understand that death is scary and often painful, but do they not realize that there is an afterlife? Do they not know that their souls are already immortal? Maybe they do know that, and that's why they seek immortality so relentlessly. After all, it is mostly the villains who seem to fight the hardest to avoid dying. Perhaps many of them are trying to stave off eternal punishment indefinitely. Though, personally, if you ask me, repenting and seeking an eternal reward seems more desirable than performing whatever dark rituals one has to perform to avoid passing on. I'd rather repent and spend eternity in heaven than cheat death and spend eternity on earth.

I don't need to seek immortality. My soul is already immortal. All I need to do is live right so I can make sure I'm happy with where my immortal soul id going. Some dark wizards might think they're better off cramming their souls into phylacteries or horcruxes, and they may be right, but my soul is bound for heaven, so I'm more than happy to let it pass on when it's time.

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