Friday, March 29, 2013

Be Your Best Self - Seminary Answers

In his talk, President Thomas S. Monson didn't really say what it means to "Be Your Best Self," but he did give us some advice on how we could do it: Study Diligently, Pray Fervently, Live Righteously.

President Monson admits:
These suggestions are not new; they have been taught and repeated again and again. If we incorporate them into our lives, however, we will have the strength to withstand the adversary. Should we ignore them, we will be opening the door for Satan to have influence and power over us.

I seriously want to just copy down the entire talk after that point. It's kind of like those scriptures where you want to highlight the good parts, but it's ALL good, so you highlight the whole page. I'm not going to do that to you. But here's a link to the talk. It's a really good talk. I'll try to share only the highlights of the highlights.

Study Diligently

Study them as though they were speaking to you, for such is the truth.

I promise you... that if you will study the scriptures diligently, your power to avoid temptation and to receive direction of the Holy Ghost in all you do will be increased.

Pray Fervently

To those within the sound of my voice who are struggling with challenges and difficulties large and small, prayer is the provider of spiritual strength; it is the passport to peace.

Prayer is the means by which we approach our Father in Heaven, who loves us. Speak to Him in prayer and then listen for the answer.

Miracles are wrought through prayer.

Live Righteously

God... will sustain His servants in righteousness as they avoid the evils of our day and live lives of virtue and purity.

Finding Brad in the rear of the bus and learning what the problem was (accidental food poisoning), Steve and Mike felt helpless. Finally it occurred to them that they were elders and held the power of the Melchizedek Priesthood to bless the sick. Despite their total lack of experience in giving a priesthood blessing, these two new elders had faith in the power they held. They laid their hands on Brad’s head and, invoking the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood, in the name of Jesus Christ uttered the simple words to bless Brad to be made well.

From that moment, Brad’s symptoms were completely gone. The next morning he took his place with the rest of the band members and proudly marched down the streets of Calgary. The band received first-place honors and the coveted blue ribbon. Far more important, however, was that two young, inexperienced but worthy priesthood holders had answered the call to represent the Lord in serving their fellow man. When it was necessary for them to exercise their priesthood in behalf of one who was desperately in need of their help, they were able to respond because they lived their lives righteously.

Back to my own thoughts.

I'm grateful for President Monson sharing the importance of these "Primary answers," and a few of the promised blessings associated with them. Recently, I discovered (or rather, was told through the scriptures) that I need to remember to pray fervently in order to gain the spiritual strength I need to choose the right. God meant for me to find that scripture, and I'm sure He meant for me to find this talk as well. He wants to guide me.

I'm grateful that He's still striving with me, even though I so frequently forget to strive with Him. He wants to save me, but He can't do it alone. He needs me to make good choices, and I need His help in doing that. It's a partnership. If He and I work together on this, He can get me home.

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