Saturday, March 2, 2013

Winning the War Against Evil - Your Sword and Shield

Winning the War Against Evil - Elder James J. Hamula - October 2008

Yes, the talk was given during the Priesthood Session, and yes, he says that his message is directed to the Aaronic Priesthood, so, technically, this message wasn't meant for any of us (unless some Aaronic Priesthood holder happens to stumble upon this blog). But I thought I'd share it anyway, because I feel that it applies to me, and it probably applies to you as well. It's up to you to decide that.

He starts his talk by speaking of the war in heaven and describing how that war is continuing on Earth. Now, we're in the last stage of the war and the history of the Earth, and the gloves are coming off. Satan is using every power in his possession to destroy the church, aiming specifically at the Aaronic Priesthood, trying to prevent them from going on missions. Likewise, our Heavenly Father is strengthening the church like never before. Knowing that this would be the hardest part of the battle for souls, God sent down His most valiant spiritual warriors - us.

I'm not sure how fully I believe that. Yes, the war seems pretty bad from my perspective, and yes, it would make sense to send down His best warriors at this time, if this is the hardest part of the war, but, if that's the case, why would He send me? I don't feel like a mighty warrior. Half the time, I feel like a terrible failure! I suppose that discouragement is Satan's doing, and it may be that he's trying to destroy me because he sees me as a threat. But, seriously, why would he and Heavenly Father be fighting so hard over me?

I'm being very self-centered. I'm sorry. You don't read this blog to hear me talk about myself. Back to Elder Hamula.

He says that since this war is, essentially, the same war as the one that was fought in heaven, we can win it the same way it was won then.

When victory was finally achieved in the War in Heaven, a loud voice was heard to declare:
“Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ. …
“For they [referring to Michael and his angels] have overcome him [referring to the devil] by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; for they loved not their own lives, but kept the testimony even unto death.”

Testimony. That's our weapon and our best defense. Holding on to, and sharing, our testimonies. It's not often that you can hold your sword and your shield in one hand. But in this war, you can, because both your sword and your shield is your testimony. By the way, I may be speculating here, so don't take this as gospel truth.

But if it is true, that makes our testimonies of vital importance. That raises the question of how we can use our testimonies and how we can grow them. Let's start with the easy one: Growing.

You know those "Primary Answers" or "Seminary Answers" we hear about occasionally? That's how. But, as you've probably heard before, it's not enough to just "read our scriptures" or "say our prayers." We need to study the scriptures and pray fervently. Also, notice the change of conjunction. We can't get away with just doing one or the other, we need to do both, and many more things if we're going to have the spiritual strength to win this war.

There are whole hosts of talks about how we can grow our testimonies, so I won't go into greater detail on that here. Rather, let me speculate on how, specifically, we can use our testimonies and swords and shields.

As a sword, the concept is simple. You use your testimony by sharing it (which is also a good way of growing it). It takes courage to share your testimony with others, particularly with those that aren't of our faith. God can give you that courage if you pray for it. Satan is already trying to give you the feeling of fear. That fear can make you hesitate. Hesitate too long, and your opportunity will be lost. Satan knows that he can't beat us if we're really fighting, so he tries to get us to give up. God is stronger than Satan, and so are we. We can defeat him, if we fight him.

When Satan tries to get us to not share our testimonies, he's acting under the principle that the best defense is a good offense. He tries to destroy us so we won't be able to save others. However, that same principle applies even more strongly for us because in our case, our "best defense" and "good offense" are one and the same: our testimony; and we use it defensively by remembering that we have it. When Satan tries to lie to us - telling us that we're no good, that we're hopeless, that we might as well give up - we need to remember that we've felt God's truth. We are good. We're not hopeless. We mustn't give up. We've been inspired before, and if we can draw on that inspiration when Satan attacks us, his attacks will fail.

Satan uses subtle tactics because he knows he lacks the strength to win a head-on fight. In fact, his tactics are so subtle that a lot of people don't notice that there's even a fight going on, despite being in it. Even we members of the church sometimes forget that there's a war for human souls, and we're supposed to be fighting in it. Because of Satan's subtlety, we sometimes let our guard down. It's then, and only then, that he wins. We can win this war. We can win it for our own souls and for the souls of those we love, but we can't win by remaining silent. We have testimonies. We need to strengthen them, remember them, and share them.


motherof8 said...

That 3rd paragraph sounds very much the way I feel. Yet, we have been told and part of me truly believes, that we, YOU and I, are of great value to our Heavenly Father. That if one of us were the only one who needed a redeemer, Christ would still have done it all. For you. For me. Maybe He would not have had to suffer QUITE so much, but it would have been pretty bad all the same and He would have done it. I have had personal assurance of God's love for me. It is easy to forget in the trials and temptations and failures of life, but I have felt it. If God loves me, I assure you, He loves you.

motherof8 said...

Thank you for helping polish our sword and our shield.