Monday, March 25, 2013

Keeping a Covenant

This morning, I forgot to blog. Well, actually, that's not totally true. I thought of blogging, but then I forgot again. But last night I overheard a conversation of a man who refused to make a promise that he knew he wasn't going to keep, telling that when he makes a promise, he keeps it. I made a promise/commitment (it's about the same thing in my mind) that I would blog every morning. I haven't failed that promise yet, but I almost did.

While we were driving south on I-5, we were listening to talks from the most recent General Conference. In one of those talks, President Monson mentions that he frequently says that when the Lord inspires us to do something, we should act without delay. The Lord prompted me to Blog this morning, but I didn't. But thankfully, He prompted me again.

On our way up a few days ago, Mom and I got lunch/dinner at a McDonald's. Printed on the bag was a reminder that many McDonald's offer free Wi-fi. So when I was prompted to pull over and blog, I thought 'but how will I connect to my blog?' I saw a sign for McDonald's.

There were other little miracles that allowed me to blog this morning, too. When I tried to connect to McDonald's wi-fi, it didn't work. So I prayed for God to help me find a way to connect to the internet. I especially asked Him to guide Mom's words so she could give an inspired suggestion of, say, where we could go to find Wi-fi. Moments later, God answered my prayer by helping me over-hear the conversation of a young family who was also trying to connect to the internet here. The mother told me that sometimes you just have to try to connect a few times before it works, so instead of giving up on McDonald's, I gave it another try.

God also answered my prayer to guide the words of my Mom. While trying to boot up the computer (having shut it down when the internet failed the first time), the computer was taking forever to turn on. Mom suggested that we shut it off and try to turn it on again. Following her advice, I got the computer on a few minutes later.

Thinking about it, there was a long chain of miracles that allowed me to blog this morning, and if any one of the links in that chain were missing, I would have failed to keep my commitment. The moral of the story is that if God gives us direction, we should follow it right away. If we delay, it'll be harder to get back on the right path. Because God loves us so much, He'll always make it possible for us to do the right thing, even when He has to pull a lot of strings to make it happen.

I'm grateful for the learning experience God gave me this morning. Next time, I'm going to blog as soon as I can.

1 comment:

motherof8 said...

I admire your determination to keep a commitment, even one that others might think small or unimportant. I also admire your humility and teach-ability and how you can find lessons in everything around you. The scriptures say that all things testify of God and you show me how that is.