Monday, January 18, 2016

Courage to Strive

One thing that I would like to add or emphasize is that it takes courage to continue striving for perfection, given how imperfect we are. If we set a goal to eventually become perfect, we can easily get discouraged when we realize how far we need to go to reach that goal. Given the difficulty and apparent impracticality of striving for perfection, it's not hard to see why some people are tempted to give up on the idea of becoming perfect. It's a lot harder to continually try to rid ourselves of all flaws and failings than it is to learn to be content with being human.

The trouble is that we won't be human forever, and we have the potential to become Gods. Knowing that we have an eternal lifetime ahead of us and that we have infinite potential, it seems unthinkable that we could let our future slip through our fingers because we find the task ahead of us too grand or too difficult to attempt. I certainly don't want to give up eternal life because I decided that mortal life was too challenging.

So here we are, stuck in a predicament. We can strive harder than we feel like striving, trying to accomplish a goal that we sometimes feel is beyond our grasp, or we can give up, missing out on our eternal potential because we lacked the strength to fight for it. I think that we all know what we have to do. The hard part is building up the courage to keep fighting, even when we fail.

Unfortunately, I don't have any ideas for how to gain that kind of courage other than to remember that we're doing better than we think we are and that God's help is never far away. God knows that we're not perfect and that we're not going to become perfect any time soon, but He also doesn't want us to give up on the idea and He's willing to help us every step of the way. If we ask Him, I'm sure He'll give us the courage to continue to strive for perfection. God hasn't given up on any of us yet, and He certainly doesn't want us to give up on ourselves. As long as He's still pulling for us, and He always will be, I think that we can dig deep and find the courage to keep pulling for ourselves.

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